The Tulita Land Corporation is a non for profit corporation representing Sahtu Dene and Metis of Tulita. To encourage the self-sufficiency of the Sahtu Dene and Metis. To provide the Sahtu Dene and Metis with specific benefits with Tulita Financial. To recognize and encourage the way of life of the Sahtu and Metis which is based on culture and economic activities. {{ :drumming_c_parks_canada_-_lyn_elliott_-_small.jpg?nolink |}} ---- **SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS** __**Important Notice to All Members:** __ 2024 Capital Distribution Form {{ :2024_capital_distribution_form.pdf |}} **__**Important Notice to all Members:** __** //NOTICE: TLFC AGM Delayed until December 14th-15thth, 2024 due to Bereavement in the Community//{{ ::agm_poster.pdf |}}{{ :by-law_changes.pdf |}} __**Important Notice to all Members:** __ Directors Resolution {{ :directors_resolution.pdf |}} __**Board Policies**__{{ :polices_for_board_04132021105755.pdf |}} __**Zero tolerance policy-Verbal/Physical Abuse:**__{{ :zero_tolerance_verbal_and_physical_abuse.pdf |}} {{ ::screenshot_2024-08-07_113022.png?400 |}}