The Tulita Land and Financial Corporation have created policies to help their members in times of need. The policies are to assist the members of the TLFC and in times of emergencies, are able to provide resources and help in other ways, such as reaching out to local businesses and government for help.

The Tulita Land and Financial Corporation is able to help with Respite Care. The Board of Directors recognizes the importance of assisting members of the TLC at the time approaching the passing of their loved ones in the family. These funds will be used to assist families that need to travel to see their loved ones before passing on.

The Tulita Land and Financial Corporation is able to help with the Emergency Policy. The Board of Directors recognizes the importance of assisting members of the TLC in times of emergency. These funds will be used to assist families that need for travel, accommodations, meals, and escorts that are not covered under health services.

The Tulita Land and Financial Corporation is able to help with the Funeral Policy. The Board of Directors recognizes the importance of assisting bereaved members of TFC in the Community at the time of death of someone in their family. These funds will be used to help pay for the funeral and the travel by family members to and from members.

The Tulita Land and Financial Corporation is able to help with the Donations Policy. The Board of Directors recognize the importance of assisting the members of TLC with their extended families that are going through hardship from time to time. Donations can be given to a member to get an extended family emergency who is not a member of the TLC.

The Tulita Land and Financial Corporation is able to help with the Treatment/Program Assistance Policy. The Board of Directors recognizes the importance of assisting members of the TLC in times of need, especially towards help towards oneself and treatment. When members of TLC go out of town for treatment/programs to better their lives, they worry about Tulita's housing cost while they are out of town. These funds will be used towards housing bills to ensure that they do not worry about losing their homes or come back to Tulita with more debt.

The Tulita Land and Financial Corporation is able to help with the Emergency Disaster Relief Policy. The Board of Directors recognizes the importance of assisting the members of the TLC. These funds will be used to assist families' need for travel, accommodations, and meals that are not covered under health services.

The Tulita Land and Financial Corporation has the right to accept and decline applications or requests that come to our office. Please call the office at (867) 588-3734 or email for further information. Please note that if you are accepted for any of our policies, you need to provide proof and receipts. If the money given was used for any other means than what it was intended for, the TLFC will take action in retrieving the funds back.